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  • darkblurbg
  • darkblurbg

Wouter Stol Cyber Safety Lector and professor of Police Studies

Wouter Stol worked for the police in Amsterdam (1981 - 1992) and studied sociology (University of Amsterdam, 1984 - 1989). He received his doctorate 'Police action and Information Technology (VU, 1996). Since 1995, he has been leading a research group, successively at police advice center In-Pact (1995-2000), the Police Academy (2000-2004) and the NHL (2004-present). Dominant in his research and publications are law enforcement and new technology, focusing on digitization and cybercrime since about 1998. Wouter is currently lector on Cyber Safety at NHL and the Police Academy and professor of police studies at OU. Main themes in his work are cybercrime, perpetratorship and victimhood of cyber-crime, and measures against cybercrime (especially criminal law).

In addition to research, Wouter engages in education and educational development at college and university level. Themes which currently have his attentionare "administrative security in cyberspace", "information use by the police", SMEs and digital security", youth and cyber safety", police on the dark web", police organization and cybercrime fighting.