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Maike Berkenpas junior researcher research group Cybersafety

Maike (1996) is a junior researcher since December 2020. Since the third year of studying safety and security management she specialised in Cybersafety and graduated in the summer of 2020. Since the third year of education she specialised in Cybersafety. She primarily focused on the prevention of cybercrime. And there are several research projects in which she played part and where she gained new knowledge. Such as a research for a municipality to engage an Electronic-boa at the department of Monitoring and Enforcement. The subject of her graduation thesis was the implementation of the leading role of a municipality in terms of online fraud.
As a junior researcher Maike wants to acquire and engage knowledge and experience within the research group Cybersafety. The pursuit of knowledge about Cybersafety is crucial in the digital community. At the moment she and her associate-researchers are in the process of doing a research about cyber resilience amongst businesses. In addition to this role she is also a student counsellor at the Thorbecke Academy. She support and assists third year students who are following an internship.