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Jildau Borwell PhD-researcher Cybersafety Research Group

Jildau Borwell MSc (1988) is an external PhD candidate at the Cybersafety Research Group since December 2018. Her research subject is the impact of cybercrimes on victims and its consequences for the role of the police. The choice of the subject is partly prompted by the information requirements of the Digitization and Cybercrime programme of the Dutch police.

In 2011 Jildau completed the Master of Sociology at the University of Groningen, with a specialization in Criminality and Safety. Subsequently she enrolled in the Bachelor of Policing at the Police Academy in Apeldoorn, which she completed in 2017 with a study about the personality traits of cybercrime victims.
After completing her police education, Jildau worked as a safety analyst within the team ‘Analysis and Research’ of the Regional Intelligence Service in the Northern Netherlands Police Unit. Within this position Jildau further specialized in cybercrime. Since 2019, she works as a senior cybercrime analyst within the cybercrimeteam of that unit. She contributes to the information position within and outside the Northern Netherlands Police Unit concerning cyber intelligence.